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Audits, Reviews, and Compilations


Femi Amorin, CPA, CGMA, M.Sc

Other people's successes are good news - for them and for you. Good for you because they show you a way to go.

I am a results-driven and multifaceted professional with expertise and experience within the public and private sector accounting fields with a focus on financial reporting, design, and implementation of internal controls to manage business risks. I demonstrate a strong work ethic to optimize operational efficiency and improve productivity. I have an outstanding ability to address relevant technical issues through systematic and analytical approaches.


I am a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with a master’s degree in finance from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, the United Kingdom, and a bachelor’s degree in Economics/Accounting from Ahmadu Bello University, Samaru- Zaria, Nigeria. I am also a member of the American Institute of CPAs.  I am licensed to practice public accounting in the State of New Jersey, New York, and Michigan. I have a wealth of experience in the auditing, banking, and accounting profession, spanning almost 30 years within international accounting firms, banking industry, and as a Qualified Purchasing Agent (QPA) for school districts.

I have participated in various audits of federal, state, and local government agencies, including school districts and non-profit organizations, and managed the finance of a public school with a budget of $30 million and 1,400 student’s enrolment spread over four campuses.

Among the various not-for-profit organizations and public sectors I serviced included Newark Public Schools, City of  Orange Township Public School, Newark Community Health Centers Inc., Plainfield Board of Education, Columbia University, Community Agency Corporation Inc., Urban League of Hudson County, Urban League of Essex County,  New York City Housing Authority, North Jersey Community Coordinated Child Care Agency Inc., North Jersey 4 C’s Pension Plan, Metropolitan Baptist Church,  Newark Brick City Development Corporation, Temple University Philadelphia and US Department of Health and Human Services, Maryland.


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